Friday, 9 February 2018

The feel good mum - update

Well hello there,

Guess who's been a bit slack on the blog front.... (slowly puts hand in the air)

What can I say, I have been a busy lady, and if you follow me on social media you will know that I have had a bit of a tricky time too. To cut a long story short, I spent the end of last year taking part in Vlogmas (where you film every day in December) so that took up most of my time.

Then tragedy happened. I lost my sister. All very unexpected and very fast (10 days from diagnosis to her passing) I won't go too much into this because I am currently in denial and don't want to think about it much more.

So I have decided to throw myself back into my blogging/vlogging y'know to keep myself busy. Plus I have decided that I am going to create a million dollar (I will have pounds thanks) blog, have 100,000 Youtube subscribers and to have a huge social media following - building an empire.


1) To keep myself busy
2) My sister bought me the Million Dollar Blog book before she passed (and we never buy each other presents but she was sneaky and got me it) so I have well and truly taken that as a sign.
3) Why not

The fear of failure / looking like an idiot has well and truly gone. How can you be scared when you have already died and come back again? I feel that when she passed, it had such an impact on me that I died too -  but I came back. She hasn't.

My sisters passing gave me a huge change in perspective and I am not wasting it.

So that's where the feel good mum comes in. Although If the baby allows served me well, it's a new chapter, or even a new book, so a new name felt right. And the name The feel good mum just felt right.

My general ethos is to feel happy in your own skin by whatever means and I want to champion that. My content won't change too much, but it will be more focused, I am going to attempt to get organised and make my "message" clearer. I am going to turn a negative experience around into something good, hopefully. No, I will.

So there's my little update, if you fancy following/subscribing to help me towards my goal then I would be quite happy about that 😀

Thanks for reading x



  1. You have my support and love. I am so deeply sorry for your loss and have been thinking of you lost. I lost my second mum, my auntie Zak in October and relate completely to what you write of being born again yourself after being totally broken. You can achieve everything you write of here. You are super talented and an amazing lady to boot. I will send you a complimentary Mumboss book once it's out too and I hope you can make one of the events as I'd love to meet you xx

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