Thursday, 10 November 2016

Whats in your handbag? - Part two

Here's part two to my handbag beauty snoopathon (see part one HERE) It made me think about the items that I carry around with me. I don't usually carry a wide variety but I do tend to stash a lot of the same item. For example - lipsticks, I will carry the shade I am wearing but there also seems to be a few others (a lighter one, a darker one, a nude - y'know just in case I change my mind) If I ever need to find a lipstick I have to rummage through all of my handbags until I find the one I am looking for. I recently bought a lipstick holder for my dressing table, hopefully this will solve the problem!

Let's get snooping! 

If your feeling a bit, meh, then have a read of Nicola's website. It will give you a positive push in the right direction. I like her most recent post It ain't over which is about not writing off the rest of the year and starting again in January - how about change now? 

MAC Mineralize power - "My beauty item is MAC Mineralize powder. It's my go to because it helps me feel finished. It sets my makeup and then I also use it throughout the day to keep me shine free. It is light but has coverage at the same time. Along with my keys and phone, it is always in my handbag"

Tell me about your website Nicola "My site is called A Life More Inspired (link above), it is a digital space devoted to allowing women to focus on themselves. It is all about embracing life's adventures and is created for those of us determined to take control of our happiness and live a life we love. I am on a mission to rewrite the stories that hold us back, from low confidence to limiting beliefs and fears through beautiful products, tools and techniques"

I recently started following Emma on Twitter, her "real mumlife" type of tweets make me chuckle, (phantom poo) check out her feed HERE to see what I am talking about. I like her honest view on parenting, my fave post of hers "the truth about being a mum" HERE is right up my street.  

Moogoo Cowlick lipbalm - "My go to product that I never leave the house without is the Moogoo Cowlick lip balm. I have super sensitive skin and I can't use most balms, gloss, or lipstick (weeps) But this is one that I've discovered, that I can re-apply all day and my skin doesn't react to it as it's made from completely natural ingredients. I love it. I have five spread around the house so I can swipe at any time!!"

Tell me about your blog Emma "My blog is about sharing the real side of parenting and everything that comes with it. Laughter, tears, poo and all. I love sharing travel posts, recipes, I occasionally run and am passionate about playing hockey. There's no fluffiness, no sugar coating, just true life stories with a dash of humour"

Liz - Instagram

One of the main things I love about Instagram is connecting with like minded people. Especially being a SAHM I have little time to go out and meet new people and Instagram gives me a window to the outside world! It's connecting with other mums like Liz that makes Instagram enjoyable. 

Cocoa Butter Vaseline - "Vaseline is my go to beauty product because it's multipurpose! I use it for my lips, my hand corners, to shape my eyebrows! And I love the cocoa butter one because it smells nice and I normally use cocoa butter on my skin!"

"My Instagram feed doesn't really have a context, just a platform to spam my gorgeous kids and random ramblings on my Instastories. I just use it to connect to other mums, like minded people and see what's about really!"

 Thaarani -

I love Thaarani's style, its simple & uncomplicated but somehow she makes it lust worthy. A simple T and jeans always looks super chic on this gal. I follow her Instagram HERE for outfit inspo's (plus she finds all the good stuff when out shopping - que fitting room pics) but her blog offers even more inspo - defo worth a follow (link above)

H&M Cashmere Haze hand cream - "As I hardly carry around makeup, my beauty item is the H&M Cashmere Haze hand cream. It's the first time using this, a spontaneous buy. I would say hand cream is a necessity in my bag especially around this time of year as they tend to dry out. I hate having dry skin!"

Tell me about your blod Thaarani "Teeclutter ( is a blog that tries to simplify fashion and shows you inspiration from myself or others on how to wear certain items in your wardrobe that you may not know how to wear. My topics are brief, keeping it simple just like my style. Tee-clutter is derived from the word de-clutter. so it has the same meaning: to simplify and to remove unnecessary items you don't need or make you happy"

After meeting Vicki I had a look at her blog, I really appreciated the no nonsense honest approach to her posts (link above). One of my faves is "You are raising a sexist child and you don't know it" HERE its hard not to stereotype but I think we all do it to some degree without even knowing it. My boy is being pushed around in a pink buggy and has a pink sleep bag, why? because that's what I had from when my girl was a baby and I don't see the point in buying another just because of the colour!

Dior lipstick - "I brought this as it's my fancy make up item, as it is Dior the price tag was fairly hefty not like my normal bargain bin grabs! I use it on special occasions as it never let's me down, it doesn't dry out and feels like lipbalm! I am all up for an easy life and this is it!"

Tell me about your blog Vicki "I blog about my experience as a NICU and CHD mum and have recently become a Bliss campaigner. I have teamed with Little Miracles UK to campaign for better mental health care for NICU parents"

Sima blogs about indulgent escapism - the only thing is it makes me want to go out and eat, lots. Having two babies means I do not get to go out for meals to often, but when I do I make up for it! and when I see foodie posts like Sima's it fuels the need to feed even more!

Eight hour cream - "The Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream is my go to beauty item as it works for just about everything! Cracked lips, unruly eyebrows, dry hands and adding sheen to my cheekbones. I could go on but it could turn into a bit of an essay."

Tell me about your blog Sima "The Curious Pixie is a UK lifestyle blog focusing on escapism from the daily grind with or without your kids, be it through travel, food or culture."

Kadie - not without blog

Kadie recently got engaged, congrats! her most recent post is all about her engagement party and her tips on planning the perfect event. The decor was perfect and I love the LOVE balloon! almost makes me want to do it all again! (Can I get away with it after being married for four years?)

MAC Lipgloss - "Mac Lust Lipgloss is my go to item because its a great colour that goes with most things and adds a bit of glam to a daytime look."

Tell me about your blog Kadie "My blog Not Without is about all the fun things you cannot do without. Fun things to enjoy everyday and this covers on the most part beauty and fashion." 

Alicia - sunloveraliciareg

If your feeling a bit miserable then have a look at Alicia's Instagram feed HERE and it's sure to cheer you up! so colourful and happy! I have said this before but I have no idea where she finds all the colour whilst out and about! she must attract the vibrancy. A lovely lady, I am glad I got to meet her at the Lucky Things meet up.

MAC listick "My beauty item is a pink MAC lipstick. The shade is called "All fired up". I love this particular one because it's a 'matte' texture which makes the colour pop even more. It also stays on all day. I hardly ever have to reapply"

Tell me about your blog Alicia "My blog's strapline is 'making my own sunshine' and it's a lifestyle blog I guess...about my love for brighter days, colour, and simple cheery things that I find happiness in! I get depressed in the winter months and anyone who knows me, would tell you that I absolutely love when the sun is out! I am kind if living in the wrong place for that (Britain)!! (Hence my strapline - I have to make my own sunshine or 'happy days') So my blog posts might feature colourful things, fun or random days I've had, nature walks, or other things that interest me!"

Ally - life with my little duck

I love the Childhood series on Ally's blog - she has guest bloggers/mums/instamums writing about their childhood and how it has shaped who they are today - a very interesting read! She also writes about life dealing with allergies - in fact you can vote for her on the allergy blog awards HERE

Maxfactor lipstick - "I love this Maxfactor lipstick because it is really simple and easy to wear. I feel more confident wearing lighter shades so this nude/pink is perfect for me, it's the only lipstick I will wear"

Tell me about your blog Ally - "My blog is a tribute to the love I have for my daughter Astrid and our journey together dealing with allergies, coeliac disease and being a working mum"

Thanks for reading! x 


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