Monday, 30 January 2017

Urban Decay UD All Nighter Foundation Review

Not one to fall for marketing / a few good product reviews, I purchased the UD All Nighter solely on my own thought process - Lies, all lies. I totally went for it when I saw it as the new "Double wear" on my Instagram feed.

As soon as I was ready for a new foundation I hot footed it down to Selfridges to eye up the latest foundation on the UD counter. Normally when I am purchasing a more expensive foundation, I like to get a second opinion on the shade by having a swatch on my face, y'know just to make sure I am not going to look like I am wearing a mask. (and when I mean swatch I DO NOT mean take the majority of my make up off thanks love! just saying). With one slightly over zealous pump onto the back of my hand I could see how high coverage this was, a little goes a long way. That immediately pleased me, minimal effort for the trowelled on (I've been up all night with the baby) look - WIN. Not that I am trying to achieve that look but we all know that there's mornings where the trowel is required.

I then went to meet up with my husband after having my make up applied, quite chuffed with the thought I was going to turn up looking LUSH. He didn't notice, fair enough he is male so I prompted him by saying "Do you like my new foundation?" turning my face side to side only to hear "oh you've got it on now?" from the mouths of babes husbands. Not really sure how to interpret that comment, I went with "it looks so good he didn't even realise I had full coverage foundation on" yeah I will go with that.

Evaluating the packaging (sorry I am that person) it is of good quality and dressing table worthy, oh and I can get a good Instagram pic out it (thanks UD!) BUT its always in the back of my mind that the premium being paid for products like this go into the lux packaging pot.

As mentioned above a little goes a long way, no need for triple pump action here. Which means not only is it high coverage it will last a good while = more funds in the Charlotte Tilbury collection pot.

So now I have covered the good, lets go on to the not so good.

I find this foundation really hard to work with, fingers, beauty blenders and brushes - all struggle to give this a good even blend. Not one to give in, I tried it in various ways, with & without primer, with & without moisturiser etc. all had the same result. I can only put this down to the matte finish, which in hindsight I haven't ever really found a matte finish product that worked too well for me. I am oily skinned so I assumed this would work a treat, instead it ended up clumping in places and just didn't blend well on to my skin at all. The only way I have found this too work for me is to add a face oil into it (UFO Sunday Riley - its a suggestion on their bottle) it then glides on a treat. But that's a bit besides the point with an oil free foundation isn't it. I then use a setting powder on top to keep it in place.

Secondly it oxidises on my face - I don't intentionally want to have a different colour on my face compared to the rest of me (again, it happens) the only solution here is to cover any bare body part with this so that it all matches but frankly I ain't got time for that, and that's defo more than a three pump job.

I can summarise the texture of this on my skin in one word - CLAGGY (or if i'm being lazy I simply say "clag") - I promise, if you add it to your vocabulary you will be surprised how often you use the word.

Overall I was expecting to love this when I pumped it on my hand, unfortunately it just didn't suit my skin type, which is surprising as I thought it would be perfect for oily blemish prone skin. I will continue to use it with oil drops just to use it up as it works fine that way and then the hunt is on for the next foundation.



  1. Everyone seems to rave about this foundation but I had a feeling that for oily skin, like mine and yours it wouldn't work as well :( such a shame!

    Parie x
    Class and Glitter

    1. It is a shame, because like you I have read good things from others! x

  2. This post seems really helpful to me. I have seen very good review about this foundation. Also my sister-in-law sent me one from U.S.A. It is really good and long lasting too! But unfortunately, not my shade! I just did my Spring makeup lesson , so I am new in this makeup line. I am looking for few more shades, which will suit me well. Can you please tell me where I will get this in U.k ? It will be a great help for me. Thank you! :)


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