August - Its been a bit of a funny month weather wise, it appears to becoming a regular thing that the majority of August is pants. Away went the summer dresses and out came some items ready for autumn - but actually I don't mind, I like autumn, no scratch that, I love it. But while we are still in season limbo, there's also a few summer inspired items, starting with...
St Tropez 1 hour tan
I tried the facial sheet mask - you can see it here. But it was only in the last few weeks I have used the body tan. I am always nervous about trying a new tan, especially St Tropez which I have always found to be a bit on the dark side. The idea behind this light mousse is that you apply it and leave it on for 1 hour for a light shade, 2 hours medium, 3 hours dark - a bit like roasting a joint. I opt for
John Frieda Luxurious Volume Core Restore shampoo/conditioner/treatment
Anything that promises to add volume to lank hair I'm there, when my supplies ran low I decided to try something new. The John Frieda range was on a three for two offer in Boots so I went for Luxurious Volume Core Restore shampoo, conditioner and the treatment. As a trio they work really well together, the protein infused formula does as it says by adding volume and strength to the hair. Once I ran out of shampoo and swapped it for the nearest thing in my shower (head and shoulders) it didn't work as well so I would suggest using it as a trio. Shampoo, condition, then put the treatment onto damp hair and blow dry - I use the treatment every time I wash my hair (every day) and it works well. The only thing I was not too keen on at first was the clear conditioner, when you are applying it, it does not feel like your traditional nourishing conditioner. More like a gel that soon disappears into the hair. The results however are good, the lightweight feel of the conditioner does not weigh the hair down yet still conditions the hair well.
Dior 5 Couleurs palette in Hypnotise
Seeing as we are heading into autumn, it was time to have a look at the seasons new eye shadow palettes. To be honest I was after something with a good selection of nudes with the odd brown, but when I saw this palette I was lured in by the shades. A mix of matte and shimmer, there's shades from gold to chocolate which I am a total sucker for. It obviously hasn't scratched my nude palette itch but it does tick the boxes for an A/W palette. This is limited edition for this season so if you fancy it take a look soon.
Coccinelle bucket bag
This has been my go to handbag this month, the red seems to work with a lot of my outfits at the mo and the red adds a nice "pop". It's handy because 1) It's not too big so I am not carrying around the contents of the house with me 2) The top has a wide opening for quick dipping in and out 3) It's cross body which means I have my hands free. I bought mine from Bicester Village last year but there is a very similar one on their website here and its in the sale!
Leather jacket
Well I couldn't not mention this jacket could I! It's been a firm staple in my wardrobe over the past few weeks, thrown over pretty much any outfit I have been wearing. For more info on it check out this post wholly dedicated to this jacket and how I am styling it.
Boho Berry
Have you dabbled with bullet journalling? up until the past few weeks I hadn't, kind of in an "Ignorance is bliss" sorta way, because I assumed it would make me feel super disorganised. I was actually surprised to find out that it inspired me to get organised and opened my eyes to a whole new way of journalling. If you haven't heard of Boho Berry then take a look at her Youtube channel where you can find everything you need to know about bullet journalling. Love pens? you will be in your element, and you will most definitely be raiding the kids pencil cases after watching a few videos. essentially it is pimping up your to do list to be creative, to reach goals and to shed light on habit patterns that may be working against you. I have already started to prep my September journal, its simple but I have to start somewhere to get into the swing of it, planet organised here I come.
Following on from bullet journalling, I now have a shed load of pens, paper (Que vision of me rolling on the floor throwing pens and paper in the air in stationery bliss) It has also triggered my doodle head. Y'know the extra swirl here, a flower there, then a full on mandala which I was pretty darn chuffed with. I find it quite relaxing to have a little doodle, a good way to switch off from other things that you have on your mind! and if you are bullet journalling, it is a good way to personalise your journal, I find the more personalised it is the more you want to do to stick with your organisation. I found a book in the charity shop that teaches you how to draw letters, quite satisfying to write out fancy letters!
While I was at a comicon with my husband (yes we do that) I came across this guy selling some prints. I have a large wall that is empty and screaming out for art, I have lived here two years and it screams at me daily yet I "Have not got round to it" so now when I see pics I like, I am actually going to buy them, with at least the intention of framing them to put on the wall. So far I have the prints and the frames, yes they are still sat separately on the side but its a start.
The website you can find them on is here he mainly does characters and animals, but I believe he takes commissions to (totally thinking about doing this with a pic of my two dogs Maggie and Moji)
I think I may have a thing for this yellow colour that's in the shops at the mo, yellow/mustard/saffron - I am not really to sure what you would call it, but I like it! my living room is very grey so hits of yellow look really nice against the grey back drop. They have a soft/velvety feel so gives a nice cosy vibe too. These cushions were £5 each from Primark,
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